This is a relatively “EASY” short uphill hike to a mountain meadow where we will have a good ole fashioned PRIDE POTLUCK PICNIC lunch in one of the most scenic locations in Kananaskis country!  Please bring one item in your backpack to share with the group, it can be anything (ex fruit, chocolate, meat and cheese, candy, jerky, snacks, homemade baking, veggies, beverages, salad, etc). Make sure that everything you bring for the picnic (plate, napkin, blanket or towel or jacket or similar to sit on, food, drink, etc) can fit into your backpack (do not plan on carrying additional handbags, etc).  Although it’s a short hike it’s still a good 45-60 min walk in and it is uphill.
Anytime of year just driving to the trailhead is marvellously scenic.  Because it begins so high this trail rockets you into the alpine much faster than most.  After a very brief ascent through the forest, the trail enters a cirque and contours meadow slopes below the soaring peaks. The meadow is a wildflower haven that contrasts sharply with the surrounding austere scree and talus. If we are lucky we may see marmots, pikas, and the elusive white-tailed ptarmigan, after which this trail is named.

Wear and show your pride colours!!