Another elongated weekend on your hands? Sounds like a fitting time to be in the company of two drag kings and their weird gay friends.
Make your way right over to The Attic to catch all the curve balls we’re ready to lob your way.
What else you got going on this “So called Canada” Day weekend? This is like getting drunk on a boat without the seasickness and sunburn.
Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door.. but this is merely a suggestion, because the kingdom of capitalism is alive and well and crushing so we always offer a Community Pay What You Can (PWYC). To do that, just reserve your spot for free under PWYC and put whatever amount feels fair and doa-ble for you in the bucket at the door.
Comfort food downstairs. Pizza and pasta upstairs. Get dinner before, we dare you!
Gender Neutral Bathrooms on both floors.